Tuesday 25 February 2014

Portable Sunshine

Dealing effectively with stress can improve your health and reduce the risk of
depression, high blood pressure, heart attacks, strokes and other health issues. 
Total Sense Therapy not only provides you with an effective at-home method of
relaxation and stress management but through the concept of 'portable sunshine',
allows you to manage stress and anxiety throughout the day, wherever you are,
whenever required.

'Portable Sunshine : an alternative guide to stress management' explains how stress
affects our biology and why it is important to manage it effectively.  The book also
gives you a simple step-by-step guide to how Total SENSE Therapy works, how to set
up and how to produce your own 'Portable Sunshine' for on-the-go stress management.
If you suffer from anxiety, mood disorders, panic attacks, stress related disorders,
insomnia, headaches or find it difficult to 'switch off' and relax, Total Sense
Therapy could help improve your quality of life.

The kindle book is here :
Portable Sunshine Kindle

It's also available in Paperback here :
Portable Sunshine Paperback

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